Creating commands is done through the + button on the right side of some commands, or through keyboard shortcuts.
You can access the toolbar on the right side of other commands. Some commands do not have the + button. This is because ParseHub has detected this is not common behaviour. In some cases, where you want to create a command regardless, you can show the + button by holding shift and hovering over the command.
Command Keyboard Shortcuts:
You can use these keyboard shortcuts to quickly add commands.
- ctrl + s - creates an empty select command
- ctrl + j - creates an empty relative select command
- ctrl + e - creates an extract command
- ctrl + l - creates a Begin New Entry command
- ctrl + c - copy the active command
- ctrl + v - paste the copied commands as a child to the current comamnd
Removing commands
You can remove a command by clicking the garbage can button to the right of a command when you hover over it.