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Getting Started
Start here if you're new to ParseHub!
Using ParseHub
Practical tutorials for a variety of websites.
ParseHub features, tools and settings.
API and tutorials for more complex sites.
Billing, subscriptions and account help.
Video tutorials on how to use ParseHub.
Getting Started
ParseHub 101
- Lesson 0: Introduction
- Lesson 1: Downloading and Getting Started
- Lesson 2: Getting to know ParseHub
- Lesson 3: Understanding Templates and Commands
- Lesson 4: Building your First Scraping Project
- Lesson 5: Testing your Project
Using ParseHub
Website Tutorials
- Scraping specific product categories (ecommerce website)
- EXAMPLE: Create your first ParseHub project
- Scrape product categories (ecommerce website)
- Scrape product details (ecommerce website)
- Scrape leads' contact information from directories (email address, phone number, etc.)
- Scraping directories [Yelp Example]
Interactive Websites
- Joining two or more selections together into one cell/JSON object
- Extracting a value based on whether or not an element is on the page
- Looping through pages that use AJAX clicks
- Extracting dynamic values
- Scraping all images from an image carousel
- Click on the "Next" button to scrape multiple pages (pagination)
- Troubleshooting Pagination
- Scraping data behind pop-up windows
- Empty file with no results
- My test run works but the actual run has issues
- I can't see ParseHub! There is no "New Project" button.
- Slow runs? When to use Rotate IPs (for all Paid plans)
- What counts as a "page"?
- What UserAgent is associated with my run?
- Can ParseHub join/concatenate two text strings?
- Is my run data encrypted?
- Can ParseHub scrape online PDFs?
- Where are ParseHub's proxies located?
Using Commands
- Commands in the tool box - Reference
- Colors that highlight elements - Reference
- What is a command?
- Command hierarchy
- Creating and Removing Commands
- Rearrange Commands by Dragging and Dropping
Features & Tools
- ParseHub System Requirements
- "My Runs" Dashboard
- CSV Wide
- Zoom In or Out on a Selection
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Browse mode vs. Select mode
Project Options & Settings
See all 11 articlesCommands
See all 15 articlesIntegrations
- API Limits
- Writing API Calls (Postman Example)
- API Documentation: Build APIs for websites with no API
- Connect to the ParseHub API
- Access your API key & Project Token
- API Tutorial: How to get run data using Python & Flask
Advanced Tools & Features
- Parsing JSON responses from an API
- Extracting meta data from webpages
- Solving Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
- Using CSS to select elements
- Using XPath to select elements
- Regular Expressions (RegEx)
Billing & Subscriptions
Managing Your Account
Website Tutorials
Interactive Websites
- Video Tutorial: Import Data into Google Sheets
- Video Tutorial: Find and Extract a Specific Value from a Table
- Video Tutorial: Scraping 2 eCommerce Websites in 1 Project
- Video Tutorial: Using a Show More Button to Load Results
- Video: Loop through a List of URLs
- Video Tutorial: Scrape Ratings and Reviews from a Website