In order to structure your project in an easy to follow manner, we divide your project into what we call templates. Each template has its own set of commands, and these commands are executed on pages with the same HTML structure. For example, if you were extracting details from Amazon listings, you would only need one template to scrape all of the individual listing pages because they have the same look and functionality as each other. However, the results page of an Amazon search query would need its own separate template because it looks and functions differently than Amazon listing pages. Below are the different options you have while working with templates:
Show template - This expands the template to show the commands that are under it.
Rename template - A template name is given to your template by default.
Duplicate template - Makes a copy of the current template and inserts it at the bottom of the template structure of the current project.
No duplicates - Enabled by default. If enabled, URLs that have been visited by this template before will not have this template's commands executed on them again.
Preserve Session - Enabled by default. If enabled and a run visits a page that it has been on before, the state in which it was left before leaving the page is preserved. Disabling this setting works similarly to Incognito Mode on some web browsers.
Load javascript - If selected, JavaScript elements will load on the page when running the project.
Delete template - Deletes the current template. If there are any commands that redirect to the template being deleted, an error message will appear and prevent you from deleting the template.