For very complex projects that extract multiple different data points, the CSV results may come out looking very odd, with blank cells, repeating data, and offset data points. This happens as a byproduct of the lists created in ParseHub projects. Every time a new list is created under a select command, new data in these lists get placed into their own row in the CSV results. In the project used for this example (scraping product details from Etsy), you can see that there are many lists created by Select and Relative Select commands.
This results in an oddly formatted CSV file, as mentioned above. You can see how each list appears in its own column, with each item in the lists appearing in its own row:
The way that these lists nest into each other is the reason why CSV results downloaded from ParseHub look odd at times. The image and details lists are nested under the product (parent) list. This format is fine for some applications, but most people want to see each product appear in 1 row, with all of the scraped data for the product appearing in different columns:
We can get our data displaying as above using a feature in ParseHub called CSV Wide. You can download your results in this format by navigating to the run status page for the run that you want to download a CSV Wide for. Click on the down arrow next to the CSV/Excel button, and then on "CSV/Excel Wide (beta)" to download your CSV Wide file.