ParseHub is a desktop application which can be downloaded on Windows, Mac or Linux devices. To use ParseHub, you will need to download and log into the application.
Downloading ParseHub
Visit the ParseHub download page which contains download links and instructions for each operating system (Windows, Mac or Linux). If you have any questions or issues about your download, please contact us.
Getting Started
1. Once you've downloaded and opened ParseHub, you should see a dialogue box asking you to sign in to your account.
2. If you do not have an existing account and are on the "Welcome Back!" screen, click on the "Sign up" link below to go to the "Create an Account!" screen.
If you already have an account, enter your email and password to log in. If you are on the "Create an Account!" screen, click on the "Sign in" link below to go to the "Welcome Back!" screen.
3. Once you're logged in, you will see a screen with options to create a New Project, view any of your Recent Projects, view information about your Recent Runs, or visit our Tutorials. Click on "New Project" to start scraping a new website. [No "New Project" button? Check out this troubleshooting guide]
4. Enter the URL of the website that you would like to scrape data from (for example, and click on "Start project on this URL".
5. ParseHub will load the website and your project tools on the left-hand sidebar.
If you are brand new to ParseHub, you will also see a series of tips on how to use ParseHub which are intended to help you learn how to use the ParseHub tools.
To learn more about the ParseHub layout, please continue to Lesson 2: Getting to know ParseHub.
Lesson 2: Getting to know ParseHub ⇨